Friday, September 10, 2010

Hidden agendas - Avoid this hiring trap

When you own and manage a company with five or fewer employees - or even 10 or 20 and fewer employees- you cannot afford to have any of your staff members bringing problems into your company.  There is nothing wrong with relying on "a few good people" but you need to have the entire team pulling its weight and committed to the enterprise.

This won't happen if you inadvertently hire someone who brings a problem into the workplace, which is the topic I explore in my book, Other People's Problems.

One of the topics I didn't explore in the book which I'm touching on here now, is the issue of hidden agendas, when someone presents as a candidate for employment, but knows their stay at your company will be short-term.  This can happen if someone is on strike or on a temporary layoff and knows, for example, that six months down the road, they will be going back to their original employer.

If you have short-term needs, this could be a win-win situation for everyone. But if you are hoping to hire someone who will be a permanent and long-term member of the team, you don't want to find you have invested heavily in training this person and getting them up to speed, only to find they quit on you, just as you get to the point you might get a return on your investment.

This is yet one more reason why you need to set aside plenty of time to interview, get the person talking, and find out what is going on behind-the-scenes. Make a point of checking out if the companies they have listed as past employers are on strike and, if the companies are still in business, for example, suspect that your potential employee may have plans at odds with yours.  The same is true of layoffs; you need to monitor the press and other sources in your community, to learn when there have been substantial layoffs at companies appearing on candidates' resumes.

This way, you will protect yourself and all the effort you have put in so far in building up your business.

Copyright Deborah C. Sawyer

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